In case you are wondering?
I have seen a few comments about the "fluke" win that South Iron Panthers earned over the outstanding CBC basketball team on Saturday. I did not see it that way in my ratings. I had CBC at a 142 and South Iron at a solid 136 so the spread was, at most, six points. There really isn't a home advantage with the covid fan restrictions, although the Panthers endured a two-hour bus ride up to St. Louis from Annapolis. I am quite sure the bus ride home was a lot shorter after their two-point win. But you have to wonder, how can a town with 387 people and a seven through twelve high school population of 120 students end up with a top basketball program? How did the Dora team do it the last few years? It is a story right out of the movie Hoosiers and it involves a heck of a lot of hard work. My mother went to a school like that back in Minnesota. Mountain Lake Lakers were state champions several times and in the final four or eight at least dozen t...