One and Done - that time of year - February 27th, 2021
One and Done. It is that time of year for many teams. You play a whole season with a goal of winning your district and maybe moving on to the play-offs. It seems so abrupt. Down in Oklahoma, where my second cousin's grandson plays for Oklahoma Christian School, in Edmond, they have a play-back option so if you lose the first game, you still have a back door to get to the state playoffs. For most coaches, this season has been played like they were standing on eggs. Move too quickly or step sideways too fast and the eggs break. Covid made every day, every practice, every game very special because you did not know if your team would have to quarantine tomorrow. As the season wound to a close, more teams were out for two weeks at a time, following the pandemic protocol. I am sure that coaches were feeling more and more stressed as they got closer to the district playoffs. What could be any worse than having a great season and then ...