Premise: If VPS (Value Point System) directly correlates to a team’s winning percentage, why not use it as a metric to drive team improvement? What is VPS? VPS stands for Value Point System. It is calculated by adding the points and rebounds plus two times the Assists, Charges taken, Steals and Blocks and dividing that product by the Number of Free Throw misses plus two times the Field Goal misses plus Fouls and Turnovers. Most players focus on two things, scoring, and sometimes, rebounding. Kids grow up with parents asking, “how many points did you get today”? The emphasis is on scoring, but scoring is only part of the game. If more emphasis was placed upon passing, shot selection and defense, individuals would be more likely to contribute to a team-oriented game rather than accumulating points. The best player on the team is not necessarily the top scorer. The best player of the team is the player who gets high percenta...